Top 5 Environmental Concerns of 2023

We are in the last leg of 2022. December is all about preparing for the next year. Environmental concerns keep climbing the list of priorities as climate change is real and we need to immediately monitor are habits and actions while dwarfing all the other concerns.

In this post, we are discussing the top 5 environmental concerns of 2023. Every single country is trying their level best to combat the pollution and save the planet earth. Nations have signed up together to fight with the global problem of plastic pollution. Details about this in this article published on UN official site.

But we as citizens and responsible yatris, it is our duty too, to help the environment and work on the individual level. We cannot just leave everything on the government and wait for them to ban the plastic and then only we stop using it. We can do that consciously. We need to monitor our own actions and take responsibility of our own behaviour. Here are top 5 environmental concerns of 2023 that we all should keep on mind and act in a way that we don’t consciously or subconsciously contribute to its increase, especially while travelling.

Top Environmental Concerns of 2023

Top 5 Environmental Concerns of 2023
Top 5 Environmental Concerns of 2023 | image source

1. Climate change

We will keep on repeating this CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL. In a recent report published by UN, without ‘unprecedented changes’ in our behaviours and actions, our planet will surely suffer from global warming in just 12 years. Greenhouse gases are the main reason of climate change, that traps-in the sun’s heat and warms the surface of the earth.

This climate change will result in shirking of the land mass, increase in floods and droughts, melting of the snow and weather switches.

What can be done: Prefer walking over riding, use public transport over private vehicles, switch off your electricals when not in use. Do everything that can help you reduce your carbon footprint.

2. Biodiversity

Biodiversity is the most vital feature of our ecosystem. Biodiversity includes every single living things and every ecosystem that we commonly call as the ‘environment’. From the biggest Blue whale to the tiniest parasite, everything plays an important role is the functioning of the planet.

Global warming, deforestation, deforestation, pollution – all of these developments are slashing biodiversity down to worrying dimensions. Billions of species are going and have gone extinct. It might sound scary but some scientists have suggested that we are currently experiencing a 6th mass extinction.

What can be done: Switch to more sustainable choices in your day to day lives.

3. Water

Jal he jeevan hai‘ – this is an age-old Hindi phrase that means water is life. Our dependence on water in all forms in something that no one can deny. But water pollution is increasing. Many regions in the world are facing water scarcity which means they don’t even have water to drink.

From leaking of the toxic chemicals to leather wastes going in to the water to oil spills and abundance of plastic waste being discarded in the water, we are damaging the very reason of our life – the water.

What can be done: Do not throw garbage (of any sorts) in water. Spread awareness about water pollution. Save and conserve water in every possible way.

4. Deforestation

We humans NEED trees to survive. This is the most obvious fact about life. By cutting down forests to make big building, industries and even new cities, we are cutting down our sources of breathing as well. Not just this, but it also disturbs the whole ecosystem as well. Illegal logging and timber harvest are putting our breathe-quality at stake. Deforestation upsets the carbon cycle and reduces the supply of oxygen.

What can be done: Opt for sustainable stay options while travelling. Do not invest in any thing that requires deforestation may it be of even a square yard. Plant as many trees as you can. Preserve nature. Use more up-cycled and organic products.

5. Pollution

Air, water, noice, soil, radioactive or plastic, there are several forms of pollution. And every single pollution form is harmful. Not even a single form of pollution can be ignored or taken lightly. Also, every type of pollution is interlinked with each other and influence the other form. Therefore, if we wish to tackle one, we have to tackle them all at once. But how? By becoming conscious about our actions and decisions. Planet Earth is our home and we need to work together as a community. We spend money, get tickets and fly to any place we want on Earth just with an intention to explore it, experience it, learn about it and capture its beauty. We are excited about that place. Same way, we need to become excited to save the planet as well by putting out conscious efforts in reducing the pollution, especially while travelling.

What can be done: Avoid one-time plastic items. Do not waste resources (water, electricity etc.). Use public conveyance. Try to use more sustainable products. Stay in hotels and resorts that are eco-friendly in any way.

Please share this article to spread the light of wisdom and make people aware about the environmental concerns of 2023. Let’s pledge to become planet-conscious and travel responsibly.

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