What is Responsible Tourism?

Everyone loves to travel. And everyone should, after all our planet is so beautiful. But there is a certain way to travel; a way that us visiting the place should not negatively effect its local living and obviously, the environment. This is called as the Responsible Tourism.

Responsible tourism is all about maintaining the sanctity of the place, its people and the environment.

What is Responsible Tourism?
What is Responsible Tourism? (image source)

Imagine, there is a dream place that you have always wanted to visit. You have spent years in planning to visit that place. You have seen the beautiful photos of that place on web and perhaps, put beautiful photos on your vision board. But when you actually visit the place, you see its all dirty, with the plastic bags and water bottles lying around. Locals are living a miserable life. How would you feel? Disappointed, obviously!

And this is a very small example. The impact of travelling irresponsibly is beyond imagination. Global warming, climate change, poverty, and what not.

The change starts with us!

You might wonder, I am just 1 person and if I travel responsibly, how will it make an impact on this huge planet. Perhaps, mother nature won’t even notice!

But it is a myth.

Every single person who is aware and decides to travel responsibly bring a positive change. Every initiative starts with a plan and probably with one or two person. We need to preserve and protect the environment and support the local communities.

It starts with you and me and it will multiply as we spread the knowledge about the same and make people aware. This is the main reason why we started this sustainable travel blog and digital initiative – Responsible Yatri.

So, how do we do this?

How to travel responsibly? 

Here are some of the basic things that you can do in your next trip in order to travel responsibly.

  • Carry your own water bottle
  • Avoid one-time plastic items like straws, packets etc.
  • Carry re-usable containers
  • Do not litter (throw things here and there)
  • Support local businesses and artisans
  • Behave nicely and remember that you are a guest in someone’s home
  • Seek out local experiences
  • Respect the rules of the place
  • Respect the culture, traditions and code of conduct of the place
  • Opt for public transport
  • Talk to locals
  • Share the knowledge but don’t be preachy
  • Be kind to locals
  • Leave nothing but smiles

I really you found this article useful. We shall share more on this and bring out the best stories from all across the horizon as we proceed. We need your support in this.

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Remember, responsible tourism is a goal not a gimmick.

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